Looking after your mental health as healthcare professional

As a healthcare professional, it’s important now more than ever to look after your own mental health and find proactive ways to care for yourself, as you do others. In this article, we’ve put together some simple tips which we hope you find helpful for managing your mood and mental health. 


Your diet plays a key role in your mood and energy levels. During this challenging time, it’s likely that your routine will have changed and this, subsequently, may have created a shift in your eating habits. It’s important to keep your eating patterns as regular as possible and ensure that your diet is balanced and nutritious. It can help to keep a food diary as this can make you more conscious of your daily intake.


The practice of mindfulness is centred around the idea of being present in any given moment. With time, mindfulness can help to alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as help with difficulties in sleeping. There are various apps available, such as Headspace, which is currently offering free access to all NHS clinical and non-clinical staff.


While it can be tempting to turn to your TV for some much-needed downtime, reading is a fantastic alternative; it is an escape from reality that really engages your brain and is also a useful tool to help aid sleep. If you’re looking for some book suggestions, why not take a look at our recommendations?


Writing can be an incredibly cathartic process. By dedicating time to journal about your day and what you’re feeling, you get the opportunity for deeper reflection. Journaling gives you the time and space to look at the day’s events and truly process them. It’s also a safe way of exploring your responses and identifying ways in which you can potentially manage things differently going forward.


Working in healthcare can be challenging at times, from changing shift patterns to busy days, looking after your mental and physical health is important. Exercise will help you take care of both, and you won’t need to do much to reap the benefits. Just 150 minutes of physical activity a week is enough to reduce your risk of major illnesses, improve your mood and sleep quality, lower stress and increase energy levels

Do you have any tips to share?

Now more than ever, it’s important to band together with our tips, stories of positivity and advice. If you have anything you’d like to share, then please leave a comment below or get in touch with us – we’ll be sharing your responses on our social channels using #WeSupportYou.

The information in this blog is for general informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised guidance. The author(s) and publisher(s) are not liable for errors or omissions, and reliance on the content is at your own risk.

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