PMVA 3-day training with Pulse

Enhancing patient care and safety: Pulse will fund your PMVA training

We know how essential it is for our nurses to feel safe and equipped with essential tools and skills, so that you can manage challenging situations at work.

That’s why here at Pulse, we’re delighted to offer the highly effective PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) training programme at no cost to nurses who work with us, to empower you in handling such incidents. We’re proud to offer this to you, via a Bild Certified training provider.

Here, we’ll explore the importance of PMVA training for nurses and how it contributes to enhancing patient care and safety.

Who can attend the PMVA training course?

The PMVA training course is designed for healthcare professionals who may encounter situations involving aggression or violence in their work settings. We offer the PMVA training course at no cost to our mental health nurses and healthcare assistants who work within mental health settings.

Whether working in hospitals, clinics, mental health facilities, long-term care facilities, or community settings, nurses frequently interact with patients who may exhibit aggressive behavior. PMVA training equips nurses with the skills needed to manage these situations effectively. By also offering the PMVA training to our healthcare assistants, we are ensuring that the entire healthcare team at each of these organisations is well-prepared to handle challenging situations and contribute to a safe environment.

It’s important to note that certain conditions need to be met to benefit from our no-cost PMVA training:

  • To attend the full course for PMVA (3-4 days) you must have had appropriate Life Support training.
  • To attend a refresher PMVA course, you need to have completed a full PMVA course within the last 15 months.
Register with Pulse to book

What to expect over your 3-day PMVA training course

The 3-day PMVA training course is interactive and fun, with the opportunity to take part in several exercises while receiving hands-on practical training. You’ll have plenty of opportunities throughout the 3 days to ask questions and consult with one of the on-site experts. The course will also cover:

  • Equipping you with the knowledge and skills to assess, de-escalate, and manage situations effectively.

  • Learning how to recognise warning signs, communicate assertively, and apply non-restrictive techniques.

  • Understanding how to diffuse potentially volatile situations and protect yourself and your patients from harm.

By acquiring PMVA skills, you’ll be able to create an environment where patients feel respected, heard, and supported – even in challenging circumstances. Helping to foster trust and reduce patient anxiety.

Before you attend

Before you attend the PMVA training course, you’ll need to pay a refundable deposit to Pulse to secure your place. We’ll send you a link that takes you to a secure site to make the payment.

Course contents

We currently work with two different PMVA training providers, so course contents may differ slightly depending on who you book with. However, generally speaking, you can expect to cover the following:

  • Understanding challenging behaviours, causation, identification, and preventative strategies.
  • Understanding restrictive interventions, their impacts, and implications of use and misuse (legal framework).
  • Personal safety and disengagement (breakaway techniques).

  • Understanding and using physical restraint, including safeguards.
  • Understanding restraint-related risk, duty of care, and duty of candour.

Your PMVA assessment and certificate

After completing the PMVA training course, you’ll receive a Bild ACT Certified training certificate, enabling you to work across any facility for three years.

Book your PMVA training with Pulse

To be eligible for the PMVA training with us, you need to be registered with Pulse. Then, to book onto the course, you’ll need to firstly register, then make a refundable deposit and sign the declaration form. 

Following this, your compliance coordinator will be in touch to provide you with the available PMVA training course dates and they will book you onto the most suitable one. You’ll then receive an email confirmation.  

We hope that you’ve found this page useful, and that it’s answered your questions around Pulse’s PMVA training offering. Of course, please do reach out to us if you have any further questions or would like to discuss the PMVA training in greater detail. 

Register with Pulse

By registering with Pulse today, you’ll gain access to the latest jobs instantly. You also have the option to get in touch with one of our specialist recruiters who can guide you through your job search to help you find your perfect role. We are experts in the healthcare industry which helps us to understand your requirements and provide tailored solutions that fit your needs.