Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Life can present many different challenges, some anticipated, some completely unexpected. We’ve partnered with Lifeworks to bring you access to professionally trained advisers who can help with issues affecting your personal or work life. When using this service, please quote Acacium Group.

Life is a journey, and every road has a few bumps along the way. Events we experience can make the journey both exciting and challenging. Through Lifeworks, we give you access to professionally trained advisers who can help with family problems, marital concerns, financial and legal matters, stress, depression, and other issues affecting your personal or work life.

How does it work?

As part of Acacium Group, Pulse ensures that you have access to this free and confidential service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Here’s a bit more about how it works:

1. Call Lifeworks to speak to a professionally trained adviser

If you’re using the mobile app, you can get help with one tap on your smartphone.

2. Provide your name

and sponsoring organisation’s name to an advisor. Your information will be kept confidential.

3. Share your concerns

with a professional adviser for expert advice, strategies, and next steps.

4. Arrange with the adviser

about how, when, and where you want to be contacted if follow-up is required.

Your adviser will ask for your sponsoring organisation’s name, Acacium Group, so they can confirm the type of service available to you, along with other important health insurance and benefits information.

An advisor will discuss your needs and concerns with you, listen, and assess the situation. Depending on your situation, the EAP adviser may:
  1. Work with you to make a plan to resolve your issues or concerns.
  2. Help you navigate the EAP website for helpful resources, incl. articles, booklets, recordings, and more.
  3. Refer you to an EAP counsellor for short-term support.
  4. Guide you to resources in your community, such as a support group or helping agency.
  5. Recommend community support for long-term counselling needs.

How do I get in touch with Lifeworks?

There are a few different ways to get in touch. Whether it’s through the Lifeworks website https://login.lifeworks.com/, via their app, which can be downloaded from the Google Play app store or Apple App Store, or by calling 0800 169 1920. Please remember to quote Acacium Group when using this service.

If you or someone close to you is going through a difficult time, remember the EAP is only a click away.

Get help via the Lifeworks website or app

Note: The EAP is a service provided at no cost to you. That means that you pay nothing to use it. However, if you accept a referral to services outside the EAP, you will be responsible for costs that may be associated with resources external to the EAP. For example, if the EAP adviser refers you to an outside solicitor for a legal matter, you would be expected to cover those costs. If the EAP adviser refers you to a counsellor for ongoing (long-term) counselling and the referral is through your medical benefits, co-pays or deductibles may apply; if the referral is not covered by your medical benefits, you would be responsible for fees charged by the specialist or counsellor. The EAP adviser will work with you to find the most appropriate and cost-effective help to address your needs.