Radiographer salary and pay rates in the UK

If you’re looking into how much a radiographer makes in the UK, here at Pulse, we’ve outlined the average radiographer salaries and pay rates for the role and its different specialisms.

It’s important to note that radiographer salaries and pay rates can differ depending on several factors including your location, employer, experience, and specialism.

Within this guide, we have outlined averages and estimates to give an understanding of what to expect from a radiographer’s pay. You can find average starting salaries for radiographers along with increases that you can expect to earn as you progress in your career. We have also detailed the average locum radiographer pay rates you can expect if you are interested in this type of flexible work.

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What is the average radiographer salary in the UK?

We have looked at the latest NHS Agenda for Change data to give you an overview of the average salaries available to radiographers in the UK when working in the NHS.

Intended as a guide only, it is important to note that these figures can differ, especially if you take on roles outside of the NHS.

Diagnostic radiography salary

A diagnostic radiographer’s salary in the UK will typically start at an average of £28,407, while an experienced radiographer can often earn between £35,392 and £42,618. If you move into other specialisms, such as breast screening or medical ultrasound, you can increase your earnings.

Therapeutic radiographer salary

A therapeutic radiographer will typically start their career at Band 5 level, which starts at £28,407 and goes up to £34,581 per year. With experience, you can then move to Band 6 and further within the role.

Reporting radiographer salary

A reporting radiographer will usually start at Band 7 level, in accordance with NHS pay rates. This means you can earn from £43,742 to £50,056, depending on your experience.

Consultant radiographer salary

A consultant radiographer’s salary in the UK can reach £81,138 per year depending on experience.

What is the radiography starting salary?

A radiography starting salary in the UK will typically begin at £28,407 in the NHS, which is in Band 5. Within this same band, the pay can increase to £34,581. If you work in London and the South of England, you could also qualify for cost-of-living payments.

A UK radiographer’s salary outside the NHS will be set by the individual employer, so the above is a rough guide to what you may earn when you start.

How much can I earn in radiography?

A radiographer’s salary in the UK will gradually increase as you progress through your career. When you gain experience and move from the entry-level of Band 5 into Band 6, you can earn between £35,392 (with under two years of experience) and £42,618 (once you have five or more years of experience) within the NHS.

The career progression path in this profession can take you up to a Band 8c pay scale, which is at the level of a consultant practitioner radiographer. This can see you earn up to £81,138 per year, with experience.

If you work for a non-NHS healthcare organisation, where salaries are negotiated individually, the amount you earn will differ. Your rate of pay will also vary if you become a locum radiographer, which we will talk about next.

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What are locum radiographer pay rates?

If you’re looking for flexible work that can also be more financially rewarding, you may want to consider locum radiographer roles, once you have industry experience.

When you work as a locum radiographer, pay is set at hourly rates.

If you’ve entered the profession recently and are still at a Band 5 level, pay rates will typically be between around £18 and £20 an hour* when taking on a role in the NHS. This can increase to around £24-26 an hour if you’re working at Band 6 level, rising to around £28-30 an hour for those working at Band 7 level and around £34-36* for those at Band 8a level.

Locum radiography pay rates in private organisations and outside of England can be higher.

*These are estimated figures based on locum roles within the NHS.

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