Applying for a National Insurance number

You will need a National Insurance number if you plan to work in the UK. This ensures your National Insurance contributions and taxes are recorded against your name, and your name only.

Your National Insurance number is made up of both letters and numbers; once you have yours, it will never change.

How to apply

If you have a biometric residence permit (BRP), you may already have a National Insurance number. If you do, you will find it printed on the back of your BRP.

If this isn’t the case, you will need to apply for one, which can only be done once you are in the UK.

In order to apply, you must:

You can obtain an application form by contacting the below:

National Insurance number application line (England, Scotland and Wales)

Along with the completed form, you will also need to provide proof of identity and proof of your right to work in the UK. The letter accompanying your application form will offer guidance on what documentation can be used to demonstrate the above.

For further information, please click here.

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