Three facts everyone needs to know about mental health in young people

First celebrated in 1992, World Mental Health Day serves as a global awareness day aiming to end the social stigma surrounding mental health. This year’s theme is “young people and mental health in a changing world” with the focus on mental health in children and adolescents, and the way the world surrounding them affects this.

Here are three facts everyone should know about mental health in young people:

50% of all mental illness begins before the age of 15

The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14, with most cases going undetected and therefore untreated. A recent upsurge in social awareness of mental health has meant that more and more young people are receiving help, however, there are still many that do not recognise the demons they are facing as mental health issues.

Suicide is highest in young people

Nearly 25% of young people feel suicidal at least once in their lives. Last year, the suicide rate amongst young people aged 15-19 hit the highest rate since 2015, as 177 young people in England and Wales took their lives.

You can help

Being actively present in the lives of young people can make the world of difference. As well as asking if they’re okay more than once, there is an abundance of resources online that will help you to interact with your child, or any young person in your life.

If you would like to know more information regarding any of the above points, or the support available for young people with mental illness’, please visit

Pulse is a proud supporter of YoungMinds and is currently fundraising to support the charity.

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