Improvements to help nurses coming to work in the UK

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has announced more positive changes to streamline the UK registration process for international nurses.

As of October 07, 2019, the NMC has confirmed a new admission system is in place for overseas nurses applying to join the UK register.

This in an attempt to address ongoing nursing shortages across the UK, by ‘cutting bureaucracy’ to reduce nurse shortages.

What does this mean for qualified nurses applying for UK registration?

The NMC is continuing to review and streamline the process for overseas nurses to join the UK register in the hope that simplifying the application process will ensure the UK is an attractive option for nurses and midwives from all over the world.

In addition to this, last month the UK government dropped its language test requirements for overseas’ nurses, meaning those nurses who have qualified outside of the UK, where English is not the native spoken language, only need to meet the NMC language requirements.

Previously, overseas nurses were required to sit two English language tests – one set by the NMC and the other for the UK Visas and Immigration Service. However, the UK government has since confirmed it is scrapping the immigration service test because the standard demanded by the NMC is higher.

These recently announced changes are set to ensure nurses and healthcare professionals are able join the UK register as quickly and efficiently as possible, with industry leaders recognising the importance of overseas nurses and midwives coming to work in the UK, and the positive impact this will have on the National Health Service.

If you are a qualified nurse considering a move to the UK, the message from the healthcare industry here is clear. We want you, and we want to help you gain your registration and start work in our country as quickly as possible.

For more information, and to start your journey to become a registered nurse in the UK, get in touch with Pulse International. Our dedicated team is here to answer your questions and show you what opportunities are available.

Email us at or call +44 (0) 20 3319 3105

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